About Projects Sketch Contact All Architecture Competitions Design Interior Landscape Prototype 2014 Terra Felice – Residential Area Bet She’An, Israel Villa Matino Terracina Medical Center Via P Bolzano Tower Water front – First Prize Comune Di Lanzada Lido Plaza Waterfront 4 Ramps Arenili Waterfront Automotive Showroom Frida Home Coltodino Villa CE Berto Zia Lucia Terra Felice Zucchetti HQ Haterosh The H22 Wraps Restyling The H21 Villa KW Ultra Modern House Hotel San Gottardo Milano Forma & Archos Studios FMSI Offices Private House Restoration Miacasa Seaside Private Villa Jesolo Nember 1.6 Jesolo Nember 1.8/1.9 Palladio School 3 Ville The Zodiac Quarter Meccatronica World Trade Center Jendubah Diagnostic Center Rooftop Terrace Apartment Caporiccio Villa Martino Circles APdR iSquare MYO Aprica D u n e AllArchitectureContestsDesignInteriorAllAllArchitectureContestsDesignInteriorMeti HaganaAsclepioApricaZefiroChepeauTerracina - WaterfrontDuneEraFrida HouseEaglePalladioLandScapeLanza Scuola + MuseoLuMeThothMyOMyWoodsBolzano TowerColtodinoAPdRSilhouetteIsquarePlug InZia Lucia - Aldgate_LondonNazarethZan HeferBerto Holloway Road - London