Bolzano Province Headquarters 2016/17

(Project in collaoboration with studio Ricatti – Vicenza)

The concept materializes in a volume that is proposed as a new symbol for the skyline of Bolzano, but at the same time able to dialogue with the existing volumes and to draw on and reinterpret the syntax of the rationalist architectural tradition rooted in the 1930s, however, detaching itself from it in compositional methodologies.
The volume design is modeled on the basis of three fundamental components:
a horizontal tension line dictated by the ridgeline of the existing buildings which acts as a “link” with the consolidated fabric and which is a pretext to “tie” the building to the existing volumes;
a vertical tension line that gives the building a strong, recognizable, and hierarchically dominant presence;
a longitudinal torsion axis that “orients” the building as if it were looking towards the highest massifs, generating a calibrated deformation that emphasizes its upward thrust, but also a circular dynamic as if to suggest to “look around”.

Bolzano Tower
Bolzano Tower
Bolzano Tower
Bolzano Tower
Bolzano Tower
Bolzano Tower
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